Friday, September 30, 2011

We're 6 months old!

Tristan and Scarlett have reached the half way mark...6 months old already!!!  We went to the doctor last Friday for their check-up.  Tristan is now 14 pounds 14 ounces and 25.5 inches long!  Scarlett is 12 pounds 8 ounces and 25 inches long.  The 1 pound gap is now almost 2 pounds....and Tristan's head is one whole inch bigger than Scarlett's!  I think he is up to the 25th percentile in head circumference. Yay!  We have started rice cereal and a growing variety of fruit and vegetables.  Neither one of them liked the idea in the beginning, but Tristan now actually eats it and well Scarlett, still wipes it ALL over herself and her chair.  She would rather eat her fingers!  They are both doing great and we couldn't be more proud of our precious little munchkins!


  1. thanks for making me feel closer... when I'm SO far away. love you all and miss you so much!!!

  2. What BEAUTIFUL and fun little sweet peas, every moment with them is cherished for sure ~ I love you all !! Mom, Mama, Nonnah <3

  3. Such a GORGEOUS family!!! Thanks so much for posting these photos, and giving the updates...I absolutely love them. Love and miss you all. Give all the kids a big hug and squeeze from the Moore-Pittson family:)
