Monday, July 4, 2011

And so cloth diapering begins!

Day 1: Well this certainly is interesting, that's for sure! Scarlett leaked in her first cloth diaper, which at that point I figured this was not going to be fun or functional. But, after multiple diapers we have yet to leak again and Tristan seems to be handling his without any mishaps. They are a little smellier when changing, but surprisingly, the wet bag really does its job with no smell at all between wash days. I am also quite surprised how well they wash up! I washed our first load and you wouldn't even believe they had been used! We have not yet decided if we are ready to commit to full cloth diapering, but we are certainly willing to give it a test drive with the 4 FuzziBunz we invested in. I would call day 1 a success, so we shall carry on with this mini cloth diaper venture! Plus they look so cute in them too!

1 comment:

  1. These are the sweetest photos- I love the look on their faces!
